Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Nothing Sketchy on Facebook

So I've gone an made a Facebook Page for Nothing Sketchy. I've had a few people asking if I had one so I thought it might be a good way to both promote Nothing Sketchy and connect with other crafty businesses/individuals (provided I utilise it properly of course!). Do you have a Facebook fan page for your business? Do you think it's a good method of promotion?


  1. Yes I do; and absolutely it is not only a key element in my marketing, it is actually my most sucessful sales platform! Congrats on your new page - I will join and suggest you to the other madeit peeps and crafties who will be interested!

    Cheers, Tania
    Chicken Ink. Creative

  2. I'm like you, just started one up. I'm yet to be swamped by fans, but we'll see... I've liked you too.

  3. Wow it's incredible how powerful Facebook can be! Thank you for the support guys - it means a lot.
